
Went to the doctor

Yesterday was my weekly check up. I'll save the scary part for the end. First did I already brag that I didn't have to have the strep test because I'm having a C-section? Ha ha in your face suckers! Anyway no change. I denied to be examined because so far this kid is still so far up in my ribs and no where near dropping down, I really saw no reason to have some fingers all up in me just to hear SHANNON YOUR BABY WILL NEVER DROP AND YOU WILL NEVER EVER EVER DILATE EVER!

*Little side note, my mom is furious FURIOUS about this since she labored with me for almost 30 hours before being knocked out and given a C-section. She really gets bent that I will have two kids and never experience a moment of labor. This is why each time I come back from the doctors she whines that I still haven't dilated and this is bullshit and how come she got the shit end of the stick and I'm just skipping along through this birthing thing.

Anywho he measured me and squished my belly some. Then he laughed at me when I asked if my colostrum would be ready for Codi if he was nine days early. He gently reminded me that the colostrum comes when the baby comes. Then I freaked out about Codi being big enough if he was 9 days early. He laughed and said well let me put it this way, if you went into labor today I wouldn't stop you, so I think nine days is fine.

We discussed my new car for a bit and how I can't park for shit, which means I hunt out the straight on parking spaces. Then he said okay I'll see you in a week and then we will have a birthday.


What now?

Did he just say I only have one more appointment until I have a baby? Oh gosh someone bring me a paper bag, I think I'm going to do that hyperventilating thing!!!!!!!!!!!

So I go to the desk and she say, "Your next appointment really isn't even an appointment, its a pre-op so technically this was your last appointment!"

Quick someone get me a chair and a pint of Ben and Jerry's I think I'm going to pass out!

Do you mean to tell me I just had my last appointment and I didn't even have to shave for it?

So this means 15 days until I have a baby. This means that tomorrow I go out with Ginger for my last hurrah (I will discuss this later, she gets me the worlds best birthday present ever on the planet every yeah) and then it will be exactly two weeks until I have a baby.

This means that next Friday is my last Friday as a mom of one kid. It means that I only have 15 more days of no sleep from a pregnant belly and then 15 months of no sleep from a kid.

HOLY SHIT PEOPLE WE ARE IN CRISIS MODE NOW!!!!!!! I MUST FIND SOMETHING TO CLEAN AND FAST! I'll get on that as soon as I finish that Ben and Jerry's!


Jen said...






Anonymous said...

Yay! I'm so excited for you! Wait! Did you say you need to clean something right away? How about my house. Come on over!

That bunny golf cart down below is totally hilarious. I want one!

Shawna said...

I can't believe he is going to be here so soon. Crazy how time flies.

Em said...

I cant believe how fast it has all come, i was thinking reading this post that you had 4weeks..... wrong wrong wrong!

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