
Okay newest plan

So, my newest plan is to stop going on food dates with friends unless it is somewhere semi healthy. A certain friend of mine and I are very guilty of going on ice cream dates. And even through I'm sure she won't go with me, I'm cutting out ice cream dates and only going on frozen yogurt dates to TCBY or Honeytreat. Sorry, but I gotta start doing something to keep my weight off. Plus I weigh in tomorrow so its time for some weekly resolution making here. Next up, no more fast food or Italian restaurants for dinner. From now on its only places I can get at least one vegetable and a salad and possibly a potato. So friends, help me out here, don't contribute to the delinquence of a fatty.

My very random thought of the day

So, up until this moment, my cousin and Ginger are the only people privileged (they wouldn't agree with my use of that word) to my extremely random daily, or hourly thoughts. So, heres todays first one..

Don't you hate it when you are really really cold and you go pee and you nearly get burned by your own pee because its so hot and your so cold?

Don't judge me!


Wow, I've been behind on posting huh? Yeah I have some reasons. Get ready for me to unload a whole shit storm of stuff on you.

So Friday night was a momentous occasion. My husband and I made the very major decision after 19 months to finally let Brandon spend a night away from home. I have been freaking out about it for the two weeks it has been planned. First on to Thursday. Rob and I had a night out and a fun little date. We went to the Harrahs Steak House and Lordy was it good. Let me tell you a few highlights. When you get to your table there are already THREE yes, three large loaves of dutch crunch bread and two sets of flat bread waiting for you at your table. This comes with your own whipped butter shaped like a rose. Next to our table was a wine bucket with water in a glass bottle and every time your server came to your table they had to refill your glass. When we were seated they brought us two crostinis with chicken salad to "WET OUR APPETITE". Our meal was fabulous and between salad and dinner menu we were served home made pineapple orange sorbet..it gets better. They ask if you would like champagne on your sorbet to further cleanse your palate. Then we had our meal and had desert. AFTER DESERT they bring you a gold metal bowl with a lid on it. Inside the bowl is dry ice with citrus water that filled our entire table with a beautiful citrus smelling fog. On top of the little gold bowl were 4 home made truffles surrounded by more chocolates. WHAT! FREE CHOCOLATE! After desert. Yes please. This was followed by our warm towels soaked in lemon water. All in all it was freaking amazing. Oh yeah did I mention, they arranged my vegetable medley in the shape of a flower?

So Friday arrived and our day was pretty good. We went to work then got off and went and visited grandma (or his great grandma) and we even took her some TCBY. This was delicious. After this I went home and got Brandon packed for his first night away. I packed his new little rolling back pack with almost everything he owned, plus groceries and his precious Cheeto's and milks. We took him and dropped him off and my heart nearly sank. After that we ran some kind of errand and then went home to get ready. After getting ready I was sitting on the couch and decided to torture myself by opening my Iphoto and going through every single photo of Brandon from birth. I had started a little file for photos I wanted to post on here, but after I got to a hundred or so I realized that would take an obsessively large amount of time to post. Instead we went in search of energy drinks for me. I decided since I didn't drink that I wouldn't be able to stay awake past 9 if I didn't have help. I was totally overwhelmed and decided on a Starbucks double shot, a Bookoo, something called a 7 hour liquid shot, and a Monster. Oh yeah, I was flying that night. As we are home waiting for Robs friend to show I get a call from Steph. She is at Bulleys and would really love if I came to see her.

Actually the call went more like this:
Me: Hi steph
Me: Where are you
Steph: You know
Me: Bulleys
Steph: Yes
Me: who are you with
Steph: You know
Me: Nope I dont
Steph: guess
Me: guesses lots of names
Steph: lots of NOoooooooooooooooos followed by sighs.
Steph: Will you please come see me
Me: Okay
Steph: No you wont
Me: yes I will which bulleys are you at
Steph: 1
Me: Where is that
Steph: You know

Soooo, since I'm trying out this whole be a good friend thing and acutally do things for my friends thing, I bug Rob till he agrees we can all go to Bulleys and wait for our friends there. I walk in and go behind Steph and touch her and she turns around and seriously it was like she saw God or a chocolate factory. She was soooo happy. I will totally discuss all of this in another blog because it turned into her friends being quite the shit heads and me questioning a lot of things.

Finally we go out. It was all very fun. Rob and I got to dance. Wait. Rob got to dance and I got to step from side to side like a sober white girl who was very aware of all the better dancers around her. The night went well, I only got sat about Brandon once and that may or may not have involved me whining about whether he would ever know how much I love him as if I was drunk and not just high on energy shots. Everyone gets super duper drunk and we end up somewhere eating breakfast. We return home at 4AM and I got all sad that I was going to bed when my little boy was waking up.

Saturday came and we lazied around the house a lot. Finally about 3:00 we decided that we would go to the mall. We made it there and all the sudden I felt sick. We got through 3 stores very quickly and I realized I was going to vomit if we didn't leave. The girls I was with were telling me just to puke in the fountain but I knew better. So we hauled ass home and I barely made it to the bathroom before getting sick. I had food poisoning AGAIN. So my Saturday turned to shit. My parents brought Brandon home around 7 that night and luckily he went right to bed because I was up every half hour getting sick.

Sunday comes around and Brandon starts puking. He is still puking today WEDNESDAY! Now he also has an added cough. So we have had a very very long weekend and needless to say that is why no posts from me. But I'm all full of them. Actually I had a ton of em built up in my head but have forgotten most all of them. I will try and put up some good stuff for ya'll though.

Theme song