
A few random pics

Brandon eating his first ever taco from daddies favorite taco joint. He loved all of it but the onions

My husband and his friends are VERY creative huh?

Brandon picked me some flowers. My mom was worried I don't weed enough...but see I've got Brandon on the job!

Ginger showed up at my house with these cookies the other night. A few days ago we were talking about some Oreo's that Brandon's teacher suggested we try. We went on a mission to locate them and when we did we were totally disappointed. Ginger mentioned these other cookies she had once. About 5 days later she emails me to tell me she actually drove out of her way to the little place that sells them to buy me some just so I could taste them.


This might be the best cookie I've ever had. It was a cross between a chocolate covered graham cracker, a kit kat and a little slice of HEAVEN ON EARTH!

They can be found at World Market

Rob waving at the camera. The other picture was actually him flipping me off. Why?

This is about the 298598th time this month he has had to move the fridge. Do you know why? Because our fridge has a water and ice feature. Rob likes to prop his water bottle up into the water filler thing and then WALK AWAY. Every damn time he walks away and just leaves it to overflow and flood the ENTIRE FUCKING KITCHEN. He floods it so damn bad he has to pull out the fridge and mop under that. Sigh!

Hmmm what is in this cabinet?

It's my brother Brandon!!!!!

Hi Codi want to come into my fort?

Sure I'll come in and play


Other random tidbits.

Karma is laughing at me. I just went to pack my lunch and realized that the very water bottle that Rob floods the house with all the time was sitting on the counter with out a lid ON IT'S SIDE. Yeah it had flooded my entire cabinet, lunch, appliances and so on.

Rob told me last night that until he moved to Reno he had never had real mashed potatoes only BOXED mashed potatoes. I find that weird. It reminded me of back in the day when my cousin Lisa and I would be broke and hungry. We would get on her moped scrounge up a buck and go to the store and buy a box of mashed potatoes. It would feed us for quite a while.

Codi finally got a tooth. He also finally ate some food. He has eaten about 4 bites of spaghetti, 3 bites of sweet potatoes, 3.5 bites of banana and 58983047 organic Cheetos. Fucking kid hates food. No rice cereal, oatmeal, veggies, mashies, bread, butter, NOTHING.

Wait. I forgot. He will eat ice cream. No maternity test needed, he is mine!

Brandon has taken to walking around in his underwear with his hand down his pants like Homer. Which reminds me of last nights conversation. Talking to my husband last night we stumbled upon a conversation where he told me that him and his brother compared "sizes" when they were younger. This totally peeked my curiosity. Is this normal? Do all brothers show their stuff and compare? Do girls compare boobs and I'm just out of the loop because I didn't have a sister? What other weird things do siblings do that I don't know about??????

Learning quirks about siblings is one thing, but learning quirks about boys is a whole other thing for me. I don't know shit about gross things boys do growing up. I'm in for it aren't I?


I'm eating cereal again! In an effort to keep on track with my diet I decided to eat some cereal. Today's winner is Kashi Strawberry Fields. I figure my first taste of buggy cereal should at least contain organic bugs.

Hmmmm can I really do this? Can I really eat bugs?


Okay here goes nothing measuring out my bugs (notice I have to measure with a Tupperware as all of my measuring devices have been moved to the other house, also behold my only bowl)

Adding milk to the bugs

Okay here goes nothing

Wondering if it taste like bugs

The bugs haven't killed me yet!

Theme song