
I may be a sucker but I'm a sucker who follows through

My kid suckered me into baking cookies tonight by challenging whether or not I even knew how to cook em!



(If you are wondering why he is wearing two different pairs of jammies it is because today was pajama day at school so he actually wore one pair to school, and then one pair after his bath. The cookies had to refrigerate while he took a bath)

This is Curious the Crocodile. It is their class mascot and tonight was Brandon's night to take him home. So far Curious has played games, played trains, watched Brandon take a bath, help bake cookies and taking a flying leap down the stairs.

They turned out so big and fluffy

You must dunk your cookies in some nilk

(Yes papa, we will bring you some cookies to work tomorrow!)

Too fucking smart

Brandon: mom you don't know how to make cookies do you

Me: sure I do

Brandon: then make me some cookies mom

DAMMIT. Walked right into that.

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Today is a good day. I have hope!

I'm going to spend a good portion of my lunch break calling doctors until I find one who can see me quick, like yesterday! Time to nip this in the bud before it gets worse. Who am I kidding it is worse, so I guess um time to fix it before it gets impossible.

In other news the other day at work my dad has both boys and they are in the back of the office where the playroom is just screwing around. Suddenly I hear my dad coming down the hall saying:
"I didn't do it"
"I didn't do it"
"Remember I didn't do it"

And then.....

Sigh. So I ask Brandon who drew on his face. His reply was obviously CODI! Finally he admitted he himself had done it. So I ask who colored on Codi's face and papa says "Brandon." But Brandon says "Noooo papa color on Codi's face."

Who do you think I believe...yes, the three year old!

Theme song