

I'm to go ahead and stir the pot here. I'm sure I will offend someone with this post but ehhh thats me right? Anyway people keep saying to me,

"you aren't going to breastfeed this one the same as you did with Brandon right?"

You see, what they mean is that my son was soley 100% breastfed. That means that in the 15 months I nursed him he maybe had a bottle about 20 times. I barely pumped because I took him to work with me and he was able to nurse on demand. A lot of people told me I was making him a mamas boy and a lot of people were bothered they couldn't share in the feeding. My husband didn't really mind, he knew I was doing the best thing for my son, but I know it was frustrating for people at work that if he cried they couldn't just give him a bottle they had to wait for me. It also made it really really hard for him to spend the night or even go somewhere for a few hours because he hated the bottle so much he just wouldn't eat.

No matter what though the thought of not soley nursing Codi has never crossed my mind once. Brandon seems pretty smart and so far healthy (knock on wood) and a large part of me can't help thinking it is because I nursed him for so long. I want to be clear that I'm not at all against formula feeding if you have to. I would rather figure out before I left the hospital that I couldn't nurse efficiently and start supplementing immediately so that trying to nurse wouldn't be so frustrating. Ive always actually wondered why the hospital even lets a person go home with a baby who is clearly not nursing right or clearly not getting milk. The amount of baby who go home and starve for 3-6 or more weeks because the hospitals didn't stop it from the beginning baffles me. A good friend of mine said when she had her son 18 years ago, the watched her nurse, told her the baby wasn't latching well or getting enough out and they sent her home with about 5 moths worth of pre-bottled formula. Nowadays they say ehhh whatever they will figure it out soon enough and if not hopefully the pediatrician catches on. Then by the time the parents or doctor figure it out, their first weeks of parenthood have been stressful and miserable because no one took the time to say, hey, maybe there is a problem here. Now that I have nursed a baby and seen a hungry baby too, I'm pretty sure I will never hesitate to tell any of my friends, hey your kid isn't getting enough to eat try something else! This also means that if for some reason my milk doesn't come in this time, or Codi doesn't come out of me sucking instantly I would take some help right away! However since I had a super ultra large amount of milk I never felt a reason to give Brandon formula.

Even when he measured small and weighed small I was apprehensive. I was grateful the doctor did a bunch of tests and bone growth tests and deemed my son to simply be skinny like his dad (who seriously can't get over 170 if he tried). Actually my doctor said he found those percentage charts to be frustrating because they were based on formula fed babies and not on babies who were soley nursed. He said he would really like to see someone put the time and effort into making a separate chart for kids like mine who were only nursed. So even though my little guy was in the 3rd percentile nearly his whole life I never supplemented with formula. I'm also smart enough to know this kid never went hungry. There was never any screaming or crying or signs of hunger. In fact this kid nursed himself into a milk mustache induced sleep and slept happily for long periods of time. It was clear when he nursed he was getting milk because he was also a messy eater which meant he always had milk dripping down his chin and my shirt and all over the place. I could easily tell the milk was still flowing.

I would say one of the hardest decisions I ever made was to stop nursing at 15 months. I still don't know why exactly I made the decision, I know I blogged about it some time ago, but more then anything I think I just knew it was the right thing to do for both Brandon and I. I won't say that there weren't days after that where I felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest and all I wanted was for my little boy to latch back on, but we never looked back. I did it slowly of course, I started giving him regular milk instead of nursing during most of the day and only nursed at nap time, bed time and some times in the morning. Then I cut the morning and then the nap and finally the bed time one. Still to this day he pulls down my shirt a little and looks at my boobs longingly and I know that we both miss the good ole days but can never go back. It has been harder for him since I got pregnant because my milk is starting to come in and I know he smells it. He nuzzles my chest a lot when he is sleepy and I think if I let him he would, but I can't let a two year old nurse.

One of my biggest fears for when Codi comes is that Brandon will freak out to see another baby nurse and he will either want to do it or try and not let Codi do it. I think that time will be the hardest time of all for Brandon to understand. However. No matter what I plan on nursing Codi just the same. If I am able I want him to be another soley breastfed baby. I plan to pump a little more only because once I had surgery and I didn't have enough milk stored for Brandon and I don't want to encounter that again.

I read Sarah and Jordan and I love to read that this woman is still nursing her kids at one year but even more SHE IS NURSING TWINS!!!! Now there is a champ people! I was happy when I noticed Angelina wearing a nursing bra because that to me said hey, wow, not all Hollywood moms are drunk, drugie pieces of shit huh. So while I don't go around fighting for womens rights to nurse in public and I didn't join the La Leche place I am still a huge advocate for nursing. I think moms who can nurse and choose not to are selfish (ie Jenny McCarthy, she has enough money she can get her boobs redone people).

Aside from anything though I just purely enjoyed nursing. I loved looking down at my little boy while he looked up at me. I loved when he got a little older and he used to make this little half smile at me that would make him lose his latch. I loved when later that turned into a game and I had to try with all my might not to make him giggle or he would lose his latch over and over. I loved when he got a little bigger and would hear a sound and stop to sit up, check it out and deem it safe and then lay down and go back to happily nursing. I never did anything else while I nursed. Although I am a great multi tasker I never did because I always felt bad that Brandon would be looking up at me and I wouldn't be looking at him. So as often as I could I would just sit there for however long and stare right back at him. No matter what happens in his or my life now, I will always be uber thankful for those moments I had with him.

Back to that question I get asked. I don't understand why some people would consider me nursing my child as a bad thing. It baffles me that they even ask that. Why on earth wouldn't I nurse this one the same as Brandon? I always answer back that of course I will be nursing Codi every last second I get. That yes I will nurse him just as long and yes he probably will never take a bottle either. I don't apologize for it because honestly like I said, I think I'm doing the very best thing I can for my kids.

So now I ask you moms out there, how long did you nurse for? Did you enjoy nursing like I did? Why did you stop? If you have more then one kid did you nurse them all the same or did you change your nursing habits with the second or third? If you did change them, did you notice any differences in the kids?

Opnion time

So for all my friends who eat fast food. When you go somewhere and you get lunch or dinner with some fries and take it home (as in not get food on the go) how many of your fries actually make it home? Do you make it the whole way home with out touching ONE SINGLE FRY? Do you reach in and taste just two? Or do you eat all your fries before you arrive home?

Can you guess what I had for lunch today?

Hey Christina

Brought home to me by my loving husband last night!

In other news I had no idea my son knew how to say birthday cake until he brought me the box this morning and said birthday cake now? Yeah cuz we needed more evidence he was my kid huh?

Also this is what my daily baby thing says:
Fatigue may set in again, so taper off your exercise program. Keep fit by taking short, brisk walks.

So now I don't even feel bad about sitting on the couch doing nothin as I eat my cake. Lifting the spoon to my mouth counts as exercise right?

Theme song