

Slow churn Thin Mint ice cream and wine don't taste good together!

Also, it makes me soo sad that Codi is getting to big to fit in his baby towels. Fucking kids, why do they grow up so fast?

Also, I'm tying to change my music weekly so give me feedback. Do you like the tunes I'm playing, do you have suggestions, anything special you would like to hear?

Trying something different

I had plans for today. Switch around the boys rooms, clean the house and go to the park. It all happened even if Codi and I didn't get to go to the park. As you can see, Codi is trying out his new sleeping digs. We will see how this works.

Codis room got moved around. We got rid of his crib (which is now for sale), put in Brandon's old twin bed and made it all cutesy. While I call it Codi's room it is really my guest room for single people.

I made some great Tilapia this weekend. If you want the recipe you can find it here.

I spent the weekend shopping. My cousin let me know about some great sales. I came home with 2 GIANT slabs of pork spare ribs and two tri tips for $40.00. I had to trim the tri tip myself which was good because I was able to leave a lot of fat on for flavor. I know a lot of people are afraid of fat on meat, I'm not because I happen to know it adds flavor during cooking and DUH!!!! You can always cut it off later.

I called my insurance company after my last post and found out there is some sort of glitch in their online system and there are in fact about 20 doctors here in Reno who I can see. I found one I was very interested in seeing. I called left a message and received a call back only to be told he is not accepting patients for therapy. Well what the fuck do you accept patients for? I have a list of doctors to call now. I do not want a woman and I don't want to drive far which greatly decreases my list.

I'm becoming worse. It is obvious now. I'm unhappy. I'm short. I don't give a shit what I'm eating. I'm just not happy. I really hope I can get in with someone soon and get this shit under control because living in my head is getting hard. Currently my house is clean, I have no laundry, no dishes, no clutter nothing (thanks to me and my awesomeness today) and yet I feel overwhelmed, crushed, under pressure and anxious. Sigh!

My husband pushed every fucking button today and currently the thought of being nice to him sounds as appealing as stabbing my toe with needles.

I'm watching a cake show now and I'm wondering why don't I have cake under my bowl of ice cream?

I'm currently in search of a bag. When I was in Vegas I found a bag that I thought I liked. I left it at the store. After a series of events the bag is being sent to me. The problem is, I have found a bag I love more, that is Lucky (I can't find a fucking photo online) that I know I would keep longer. I need a bag. A BIG bag. I need something that keeps everything in one place. I need this because this past month I've lost, shot records, insurance cards, grocery bags, and other important things, like CHECKS AND GIFT CARDS!

I find it amusing that I really don't blog on weekends anymore. When I started this whole thing I used to blog every day. I was worried that if I didn't I would lose readers. Now I'm smart enough to know that I'm good enough to miss a few days and y'all will come back. I also know that Google reader makes it hard for you to forget me. But hey, click my page from your google reader y'all and see new things I've done.

Oh, did I mention, my new page is almost done. Actually, it's done, it works but it is being tweaked. It is beautiful though and one day, you'll click on this page, expect to see this page but you will see my new page with my fancy new link.

Okay well, I've got ice cream to eat and wine to drink and TV to watch because I have done a lot of shit today and I deserve some indulgences!

Theme song