
How to wear out a toddler


I was just in the bathroom going pee. Like always my son followed me in there. Then he did something strange. He said poo poo and took off his diaper. Out of curiosity I picked him up and put him on the big toiled. I SHIT YOU NOT MY 21 MONTH OLD SON JUST POOPED TWO GIANT POOPS IN THE TOILET. Then I took him in and wiped him up and we were done. Only problem is now he's going more, more, poopoo more, because he thought being on the potty was funny. Then he says MOREEEEEE POTTYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. I had to force him out of the bathroom and hold him down to get his diaper back on. I don't at all think he is ready to be potty trained but, if he asks to go on thats fine. I will soooo not force this at all though.

I'm so smart, S M A R T


I've yawned 7 times in the last four minutes. I am so very very tired.

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