

On our way to Jens wedding I decided I would take some pictures of all of us. So I get out the camera, which Brandon has started posing for and I say SMILE BRANDON
No no, smile not show me your tongue
Umm okay I guess thats a smile
This picture is adorable but thats really not a smile
There you go, now thats a smile
There are two people in life that complete me, these may or may not be them (but more may then may not) (okay more like these are the two people in life who complete me) (oh yeah notice the little box of baby wipes Brandon was sitting on? He called that his chair and was posing on it for every after I took pictures, he would pose then run over and say more picture mom more picture...my son is such a ham) (I just made brackets here for fun)
We match so well huh?
Yeah yeah I cut off his head, but I look good in this one so it stays, no really could we match any better?
Mommy and Brandon
Proving I really don't know how to work my camera..but again, I look pretty so it stays!
This would be Jen getting married if those assholes would move their head, (okay they may be the photographers but they were still all up in our way) Jen looks so beautiful.
If you look closely you'll notice two things...Thats Jen's second dress, and she has a little bump there! I meant to get one that showed both our bumps but I didn't want to bug her too much. Also see the yellow and blue flowers in the background? I TOLD YOU WE MATCHED THE WEDDING PERFECT!

Theme song