
What my kid was doing while I was busy taking pictures of Katie's kid

The weekend Shannon went all out

I'm supposed to be home doing dishes right now, but my mom wants me to write about my weekend so fine, here....I'll fuss with dishes later.

This weekend in an attempt to start weening Codi I asked my parents to watch the boys all of Saturday and Sunday so Codi could go a while with out mah boobies near him.

Saturday morning Rob and I woke up and had plans to go snowboarding. We headed up to this little hill that his cousin wanted to go too. Her and her husband were beginners so they wanted to go somewhere cheap and simple while they learned. I hadn't been in over 5 years so EASY sounded great to me. We arrived at the hill and went up to the bar to get a drink. I always love to have one hot cocoa and peppermint schnapps before I go...it makes landing on your head hurt less. Only this place was so small they didn't have liquor only beer. Rob informed me that Guinness taste like coffee so I grabbed one. 3 drinks into it I started gagging and had to throw it away because I CAN'T DRINK BEER IT TASTE LIKE SHIT. We headed up the hill and I warned everyone that there was a very very VERY good chance I would wreck getting off the lift. My heart started palpitating as we neared the end of the lift taking us to the top of the bunny hill, THUMP THUMP THUMP and then.....I made it off and didn't fall. My husbands cousin and her husband didn't do as well though. About an hour later we made it down the first hill. Okay really it took about 20 minutes because Robs cousin thought it was faster to fall down the hill then to actually snowboard down. We went back up, again they wrecked getting off and this time her husband actually totally kicked ass down the hill....she decided to unstrap and walk down so we headed off to the bigger hill.

The bigger hill was pretty fun. At one point I said, "look babe I'm totally shredding down the hill." Rob looked at me and said, "carving babe, you're carving, snowboarders don't shred." Whatever I WASN'T falling which was all that matters. Don't let me fool you. At one point we decided to try and find a rock for the guys to jump off of. Thinking I could get there faster I went into the taped off area. Yes, that is taped off for a damn reason. The snow was nothing but powder. 10 FEET DEEP POWDER. Before I knew it my board was sinking and I wrecked. Only when I put my arms down to push up I sunk into the snow up to my shoulders. I took me almost 5 minutes to dig out, shimmy over some, dig out again, shimmy, dig, shimmy dig and then finally I was out. The next ride up the lift you could actually see the 5 or 6 holes I left in the snow. In my opinion it is pretty bad if you can see your wreck site from up on the lift.

Rob found the rock and did a great landing followed by a 3 roll tumble down the hill...which is when we think he lost his Ipod. I did a few more of my sink into the snow and eat shit rolls and Rob's cousins husband ate snow once followed by crashing so bad he lost his hat.

We came down the hill and decided to drive clear across town to try out a pizza place. We got totally stuffed and then we headed home and changed to go to Gingers house warming party. This is where it all went down hill. I had a few drinks and then before we knew it we decided to go to a club. Rob, April, her boyfriend and I called a cab and off we went to the club. I told you about that already.

Sunday rolled around and I ate a lot of ramen and crackers to feel better. I was so proud of myself that I wasn't the least bit sore from snow boarding. Codi came home and was dying to nurse. My boobs were begging to feed him so we compromised. I let him nurse for about 5 minutes before bed and then he slept from 9 until 3:30 which is a huge difference from waking every 2 hours. He is doing well so far sleeping with Brandon (yes I realize I just jinxed it). I let him nurse at 3:30 just to relieve my boobs, but I didn't let him fall asleep nursing. I made him fall asleep on his own. We are really trying here. It is an adjustment for both of us. Last night he woke up around midnight and I was able to rock him back to sleep. At 3 when he woke up again he fell asleep on his own but kept waking up. It was clear he was hungry. I let him nurse and he slept again until 7. Nursing at night is keeping my boobs from exploding and it's also helping the dry up time seem so much easier.

Anyway I went all out this weekend. Snowboarding, dinner with Rob, a party, and a club...damn I go big huh?

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