
Two sickies in a bed

I spent my day at work with two sickies in my office.
Don't let the smiles fool you they were only nice to each other for about 14 seconds. They spent the rest of the day kicking each other, screaming, shoving and wacking one another in the head with metal objects. Apparantly being sick does not make them be nicer to each other. Sicky one has had a bath and is upstairs in bed with dad snoring (dad is snoring too I can hear him ALL THE WAY DOWNSTAIRS)

Sicky two is passed out in the Boppy in my lap. He had half a bath (you know when you throw half your body in your brothers bath in an attempt to get in)

I'm pretty sure I'll be sicky #3 tomorrow. I feel like shit, my throat is scratchy and I'm exhausted. Note to husband..DON'T KISS ME AT ALL TOMORROW!


I have a meatloaf recipe and a roasted onion potato recipe up on the food blog. Tonight I have another version of the roasted potatoes and a redoux of the cheesy chicken pasta. I've also started a new catagory over there for cooking with kids. I post up pics of my kids helping me cook. I think I will start putting notes at the bottom of the recipe telling what I let the kids do. For example when we made the meatloaf I put the crackers in a bag and let Brandon smash them. Then I mixed all the seasoning in a small bowl and gave him a tablespoon and let him scoop it in the big bowl as if he was measuring. I also let him crack the eggs in a small bowl first and then let him pour. The other night we made baked apples and I again mixed the seasoning and then let him scoop it in the apples. Then I let him put the precut butter in the apples and pour premeasured juice in there. When I work with cheese I have a small childrens butter knife that I give him. I cut some thin slices of cheese and put them on a plate and then let him cube them and eat them. That way he feels like he is cutting and chopping with me.

Anyway I will try and be better about getting pictures of him helping. I have added other labels too. Such as cheap (which I think I might re-title as budget cooking), and quick cooks. I'm really trying to keep the food blog a nice mix of budget friendly items and then impressive wow your man items.

Anyway check out the latest recipes on the Tasty Temptations blog.

Dear kids, your mom is an idiot..don't be like her

We had Codi's 1st birthday this weekend at Chuck E Cheese. I know lame huh? But, every kid coming was so much older then Codi it made sense to have the party somewhere that would entertain them, and also somewhere that I DIDN'T HAVE TO CLEAN UP AFTER!

The party was mass hysteria. Seriously that place is like a hornets nest. Only imagine hornets who scream and yell and push and shove and steal other kids tickets and break games and spill juice on themselves and get stuck on the slide and OMFG GET ME OUT OF HERE. Our two tables were actually very pleasant. Codi loved his cake the food was devoured and I think there was only one or two crying incidents from my table the entire time. And one of them was totally MINE!

You see. There was this game there. Ginger played it once and got a ton of tickets so I figured sure why not. The premise is there is a ball attached to a rod. The ball spins around in a circle clockwise. What happens is, you put in your token and the machine gives you a number like 4. Then you have a mallet thing and you get to smash this button in attempt to make the ball spin around the number of times shown or more. Only it doesn't give you a number like 4 it gives you numbers like THIRTY FUCKING TWO! Right. So Ginger says it's sooo easy and she did it the first time and played for like four hours on one token. SO. I whack it. the ball goes around 7 times. I get a little mad and put another token in. Ginger says it's easier if you put your other hand on the mallet when you whack it. So I try. I make it around 18 times toward my new goal of 31. Cram another token in. 17 spins. Now I'm just getting mad. I never got a number lower then 31 to try and beat. Now I'm seeing red. I finally decided it is because the mallet is attached to a string no more then a foot long. You can't even lift the mallet to get good leverage (well you could if you were three feet tall).

I stare at this stupid machine and figure I'll just hit it harder. I smash another token into the fucking machine and mash it with the mallet. FOUR. FOUR FUCKING TIMES AROUND. My cousin Lisa walks up and starts laughing at me. "Four times Shannon is that all." That is why they don't make the mallet string longer because if they did I would have mashed her on the fucking head while she teased me.


I crammed a final token in the machine and before I knew it I was seeing red and BAMMMMMM!!!!!!!!! I mashed that bitch button with my fist.


Fuck me. Now Ginger and Lisa are both laughing at me, shaking their heads obviously thinking this is something only Shannon would do at a kids place. So this morning when I was trying to cut some stuff for dinner, and last night when I was typing that is why my fucking hand hurts.

So. Some advice. Next time you are at Chuck E Cheese, maybe try stepping away from the stupid fucking game before you mash it and nearly break your hand. Perhaps go try something less dangerous like playing in the ball pit.

And NO! I didn't win. Even when I mashed that fucker with all my might bare fisted I still only made it around 9 times. Stupid fucking Shannon proof games.

What would you take

You are about the be stranded on a desert island. You can bring 3 things but!

You will be provided with all of the basic food and drink items.
You can not bring anything electric or battery operated.
You can not bring a person.

What three items do you bring?

Back from the dark side

I finished book four yesterday. I think I read all four in about 5 days. I must say the Twilight series might be the best set of books I've read in a really long time. I loved how it made me feel emotions. I was sad, mad, happy, hysterically crying, and furious at least once in every book. Every character made me mad and every character had some redeeming quality that made it so I loved them a thousand times more then I hated them. I dreamt about the book and thought about the characters and sympathized and empathized and just plain fell in love.

Yes. I feel like a dork. Yes. I told my husband I had a crush on a vampire and YES I really really do have a crush on a fictional vampire.

I love how this book was never written to be about traditional vampires. It wasn't all blood sucking and coming out at night. The book was never based on common myths and while of course the whole thing is fake the book is written in a way to make you believe it is TOTALLY FACT!

I would be lying if I said, the same way Sundry is consumed with zombies, I'm now convinced my husband is a secret ware wolf and both of my kids are half breeds, which is because of course I'm a secret vampire. Why else would I be so cold all the time, and why else would my husband radiate heat through me so well and why else would Codi have so much fun biting my boob when he nursed?

Not much else has been going on. This last few weeks I've been having the WORST round of vertigo. I go to bed spinning like some drunk idiot and wake up swaying and rocking so bad I nearly dropped Codi walking from my bed to the door the other day. I've been nauseous and just plain feeling shitty. You know that feeling girls that you sometimes get once a month where you feel like an empty cavern. Like even though you're not hungry you feel like you are starving. Like nothing can fill that void. That is how I've felt. I tried going back on iron to see if it helped. I messed with my vitamins, I ate a little different and nothing helped. I remember last time this happened I spent hundreds of dollars to hear the doctor tell me that with vertigo you have to wait it out. I know there is a pill I can take when vertigo gets too bad but of course since I'm nursing I can't take it.

Codi had his first birthday this weekend. As soon as I get the pictures off Katies camera (my battery died right when we walked in) I'll show you how my son showed his cake who was boss. He has his 1 year appointment this week and I'm sad because I know he won't make the weight requirement to turn around, hes one freaking pound short. I've gotten him to eat saltines and pancakes right now and that is it. Even now I put some cinnamon sugar toast in front of him and he looked at me like I just tried to feed him fois grois. Just to be clear if that was chocolate toast he would totally be eating it.

This just in, Brandon just sneezed a booger so long it DANGLED into his cereal bowl. Eww. Good thing he was almost done.

My parents let Brandon have their copy of Toys R Us Biggest Toy Book Ever. He now spends every night "reading" this book and telling me every single thing he NEEDS! He also points to everything and tells me what is a girl toy and what is a boy toy. Did you know a Hot Pink monopoly set is for boys only?

Brandon just whacked Codi in the head with some big piece of rubber thing while yelling JUKE! WTF is a Juke hmm? I have no clue. Earlier last week Brandon looked at me and told me I was a dork. Gee thanks kid. This weekend at the store with my husband we ran into some of his old work friends. Brandon looked at them and said, "you don't say shit." Hey thanks for that kid!

Oh yeah. We switched his daycare. And I plan to write a ton more about that on Wednesday. It is an excellent story! Seriously, watch for that one!

I feel like I spent the whole weekend doing the same things. I woke up and swept the floors and went to bed and swept the floors. I've cleaned my tables and counters like 6 times this weekend. I'm sitting here right now staring at the food on the floor wondering why kids have to spill so much. It is like they have some kind of built in mechanism forcing them to drop everything in an effort to irritate their parents. I think it is attached to the same mechanism that makes them wake up the second you fall asleep.

Oh did I tell you about this weekend when the giant motherfucker spider came running across my couch this weekend? The spider I tried to kill but instead watched in horror as he ran down the couch and hid UNDER IT. Yeah I didn't sit on that couch for two days because I was convinced spiders were going to come out and kill me. Yes, this was just a day after I was woken up by eight tiny legs crawling on my arm. You know eight tiny legs that fucking disappeared when I woke up and went to mush them! Fucking spiders.

Okay have to go and sweep the floor and try and convince Codi to stop climbing to the top of the stairs and then crying because he can't get down.

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