
so very very sick

So, Saturday morning, as you read, I began puking before my trip to Olive Garden. It hasn't stopped. I threw up so much this week, and had other things happen, that I became so very very dehydrated. This morning, my mom came and brought me some gatoraid, since I hadn't drank anything in 3 days. I was shivering and decided to crank the heater up to 73 and turn on the fire place. I guzzled down two gatoraids and suddenly I was on fire. I had a fever of 100.8 but didn't even know because I was so dehydrated that made me shiver. Rob got home just in time to laugh at me melting in my ultra warm house. Finally I had to turn the fan on. Also since I can't eat gluten I haven't been able to eat any good sick food. No Saltines for me, boo. I sank so low I finally made some Ramen and just left out the noodles. It was heavenly but didn't do so much for the whole me being starving thing. It is 4:32 and I'm still starving. I can't have any cream of wheat, still no crackers, nothing at all good. So now I'm thinking maybe I will make some mashed potatos. If I can stand up long enough, since standing tends to make me dizzy. Uggg. The worst part is knowing Rob has to be next. I feel horrible knowing he will be sick soon. I will maybe write some better posts tomorrow, but maybe not.

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