

Today is my sons birthday. He is one. The weeks leading up to this day have been hard for me. I've started thinking about making changes in my life. Maybe it is the realization that time is precious and has flown by so quickly. Maybe it is that not only is my son growing but I am growing also. The first decision I made was that I wanted to give up alcohol. The thing that most of you don't know about me is I have an extremely addictive personality and I have many vices. Alcohol is one of them. When I have a bad day at work I like to come home and have a drink or two. When I go out with friends I like to have a drink or three. I am not by any means an alcoholic I would say that I am more of a social drinker. One day I was realizing that I looked at other moms who did such things as do drugs or smoke as bad mothers. I thought that what I was doing was somehow better. I made the decision that until Brandon is old enough to understand the responsabilty of drinking (approximatly 15 or 16) that I am giving up drinking. I don't want to be that mom who says its okay for me but not for you. How am I supposed to explain to a young child who is being influanced by his friends not to drink alcohol while I do it myself. The second decision I've made is to try and eat healthier. How am I supposed to tell Brandon that McDonalds is only a treat when I'm running out and getting fast food every day. I've discussed it with my husband and all though he is more reluctant then me I've made the decision to try and cook more fresh meals. This is a little easier for me since I can not eat wheat or gluten. I am not going to say I am giving up fast food completly because I am addicted to Burger Kings salad and McDonalds salads also. So my decision is that I will give up french fries (since that is all I can eat besides salad) along with ice cream. If you know me you know I am also addicted to McFlurrys. So I've decided that I need to give them up. This way when my son is older it will also be a treat for me as well as him and we can be on the same page. I don't want this to be taken at all as an attempt for me to lose weight. Although I could use a few pounds I would much rather be healthy and be respected by my son for following the same directions I give him. So if you have read my previous blog you also know that I have decided to try and speak to my son in a better tone rather then yelling. So these are the changes I am making. I am considering giving up chocolate but I might go off the deep end if I do that. I've been watching this show on TV called weighing in. One of the things they say about sticking to a diet is to tell people what you are doing. So although I am not dieting I figure why not try the same technique. I am telling you all what I'm up to. Feel free to call me out if you see me cheating or even thinking of cheating.

Theme song