

If you would have been driving down the street by my house today (the very public high traffic street) you would have seen me pushing my two year old in a stroller and carrying my 7 month old in the Moby like one of those moms who exercised and shit! However, if you would have driven by at exactly the right moment you would have also seen my BOOBS! Yes I had Codi situated in the Moby so he could nurse. Somehow I was still able to hold the stroller with both hands, nurse and not drop him. I think only one guy happened by at the right angle and he nearly wrecked rubbernecking to figure out if he really just saw that ladies boob hanging out!

Also, if you were looking hard enough you probably could have pin pointed the EXACT moment I realized I had just started my period, unexpectedly and TOTALLY FUCKING UNPREPARED!

Theme song