
Your daily dose of random

Tuesday night for our anniversary Rob and I went to dinner. My parents watched Brandon. Well I guess this weekend when they had him they left all their diapers in my car. Their solution to this was not to run to the store Tuesday for diapers. NO it was to say ehhh we'll just let him pee outside (not on the toilet but whatever). However they didn't find it very funny when he climbed up on their fence and grabbed on to the sides, squatted down and pooped all over their fence and their yard! In fact I think my dads exact words were, "great, I have to clean up dog shit in the back yard and now kid shit in the front yard." I told them that is what they get for not going to the damn store.

I think my gluten intolerance is back. I'm not happy about this at all people!

Waffles are the new roni and cheese in my house! Everything is waffle with budder!

Brandon has got some toy stuck playing the same tune over and over and over on high speed. I want to break it but I'm so amused at watching how mad he is at it that I'm letting him bash it himself. But seriously my sanity is about to break...oh wait he just threw it at a wall and the fucking thing is still singing.

Big Brother cracks my ass up. I love Evil Dick, this man just runs his mouth and its hilarious.

My son has been sick the last few days meaning he hasn't pooped. However he's getting better, and the fart that he just let out scares the shit out of me. I am terrified for the poop that is going to come today!

I'm watching Big Brother and seriously what the hell is going on with Zach I think he just lost his marbles people.

I finally made the toy shut up, turns out it was another toy in the toy box. When Brandon realized that he pulled the toy out and made the noise more. Ack!

Brandon didn't finish his waffles because I gave him some milk and all I want to do now is eat his waffles.

Today my mom and her helper are coming and they are going to clean out my garage to get ready for a garage sale...I fear for their lives over the amount of spiders and also the amount of crap. Seriously people I can collect some crap!

Yesterday we pulled out all the rest of Brandon's little baby clothes and now I'm just dying for Codi to come so I can play dress up with him.

I distinctly remember thinking I would get to play dress up with Brandon, but with all the feeding and changing and sleeping and crying and parenting there was not time for dress up!

Brandon is off somewhere and he is being quiet, I'm terrified I'm about to be presented with the poop of all poops. Eeeek!

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