
This is the kind of shit I am left to deal with when my dad leaves

Yes, he lays on the floor and has a full on tantrum!

Full meltdown here....all because papa left

Thanks dad!!!!!! For leaving me with this shit to deal with!



Today my husband came home and told me to go see my present. I walked out to the garage to see this.

For the last few months I've been looking for one of these old desks for Brandon. The kind that opened from the top. Rob mentioned two weeks ago that he saw one on a delivery for work. I was sad because the lady wasn't selling it he had just seen it in their garage.

Now. My husband is shy. He isn't the kind of person to do spontaneous things. So, when I found out he drove all the way out to this ladies house and asked the lady to please sell it to him for his wife's birthday I was FLABERGASTED! I couldn't believe he went so far out of his way for me.

It is even bright blue and it totally fits great in Brandon's room.

Brandon LOVES IT!

He is already hiding from me in it.
He also got me a shit ton of money to Starbucks and a pedicure.

And that my friends is why my husband is


I just went in to go pee. I flushed and suddenly OVERFLOW. I looked down to see that a certain 3 foot tall person had shoved a frigging paper cup in our toilet. Before I knew it my feet were surrounded in PEE WATER. I had to take off my scarf (no pee water on that) and jump behind the toilet to shut off the water. Then I had to plunge the damn cup out and clean up the mess. All I could think while that was happening is THANK GOD I HAD ON MY RAIN BOOTS!!!

Minutes after the over flowing toilet I walked into my office to find this.

See that there behind him???????????????

Appears Codi had a bit of a diaper blow out (for the second time today). I was on the phone with a customer so I put her on hold hauled ass out the door to get the other girl in the office (stopped for a photo) and by the time I made it back in he had turned around tracked through the poop tracked it all the way down the hall and out the front. His outfit was soaked from the waist down his hands, body and feet were covered and he was pissed. I had to stick him fully clothed in the kitchen sink and hose him down. It was a war zone people. Poop everywhere. I had to get poop on his head just to get the outfit off of him. Poor little guy. Hope this bug passes soon.

Just to let you have a little tally of may day:
*Woke up to find out Brandon had slept in an extra hour..making him wet the bed so I cleaned wet sheets.
*While walking out of the laundry room discovered tiny baby had left puddle of poop on the stairs. Passed diaper off to dad in honor of my birthday but still found myself cleaning poop.
*Came to work to find tiny child had plugged toilet...so cleaned toilet water off floor
*Sat down to breath only to breath in the giant stench of POOP and spent the last ten minutes cleaning poop off tiny baby AND ENTIRE OFFICE FLOOR!

Great start to my birthday huh?

Flying high on my birthday

This birthday is shaping up to be the best birthday ever. First, bagels, coffee and a scarf. Then today I woke up to a HOLY SHIT I'M FUCKING FLYING TO WORK cup of coffee. I came next door to find a new kind of ice cream cake awaiting me with some sort of FUDGE CRUNCH stuff in it. Yeah, I'm taking the rest of that home with me, where I plan to sit in a little corner with a spoon and eat it ALL BY MYSELF. After that I walked into my office to find a gift card to LUCKY and it is taking every ounce of strength to not cry out early lunch and go shopping because they have some jeans up there with my ass' name on them! My dad gave me the cutest card ever and some money which STARBUCKS HERE I COME! Ginger stopped by to try a bagel and brought with her CHOCOLATE LAVA CAKES from Trader Joes. We shared some ice cream cake together and then she was off to work. Then the girl in my office bought me those rad plant globe watery things. I can't wait to fuck with those and see if they really work. Finally Lisa came over and she brought me....


Wait let me take another picture with out that lame Giants cup in the way.

Much better. Anyway I was so overly excited about the goddamn rain boots I ran home and changed my outfit just so I could wear them now.

But the real icing on the cake (or cupcake) was the fucking cupcake she got me at Whole Foods that is exactly the size of my head with more frosting then what is showed here, because a "moose" ate some before I took the picture.

Y'all I can't even describe this frosting. IT looks and taste like ice cream. It is thick and dense and rich and I'm pretty sure it has about 19878 sticks of butter in it. I haven't even gotten to the cupcake itself yet, but I do know this...

Ice cream cake + insane New York coffee + bagel (carbs) + cupcakey goodness + having husbands fast car for the day = ZOOOOM WEEEE BUZZ BUZZ FLASH ~!~~~


Also, As mentioned husband took my car today and gave me his mega fast Honda Accord. I did a lot of zoom zoom zooming on the way back from Brandon's day care today. However the sweetest part was that he put in my favorite CD and programmed it to my favorite song so when I started the car my beloved T.I. was playing "Whatever You Like," Which means I TOTALLY ROCKED OUT!!!!

I can't wait to see what the rest of the day brings!


Silly moments

First, in case you forget what I'm doing for my birthday Ginger got me tickets to Fantasies in Chocolate again. If you're wonder what that is, click here to have your eyes molested by chocolate (and to see me 179 months pregnant at last years event...this year I will be rockin). And yes I know YOU ARE VERY JEALOUS!

Now for the sillyness. The other day my husband and I were out at dinner and there was cake. I said I was full. Rob reached over and patted the side of my tummy and said, "babe did you forget about the special desert compartment." I know, you're thinking wow she's a cow. But it was really the cutest thing ever because my husband knows that no matter how full I am THERE IS ALWAYS ROOM FOR DESERT! I love that he knows me that well, and never judges my need for cake!

Tonight I baked Brandon mini cookies. I like to do this because when I do my son tells me, "mommy you are the best mommy cookie baker ever," and "mommy you bake me cookies because you love me." Anywho to spice it up tonight I smooshed some pumpkin ice cream between his chocolate chip cookies. His eyes lit up and he took a bite and ice cream gooed out and at that moment, I knew I had totally won at the mom thing....... for tonight anyway.



(Edited to add: The above title was supposed to read, THE DISNEYLAND OF BIRTHDAYS, NOT BAGELS!! I am obviously soooo stupefied with my bagels that is all I can think about!)

So I just went to my mail box to find the rest of my present from Patty!

She fucking knitted me a scarf.

I don't even know what to do right now. I'm totally overwhelmed. I don't think I've gotten a gift this personal since my grandma was here and made me doll clothes. The scarf has a faint scent of Patty, and I feel like I just unwrapped a giant New York hug in a box. I am going to keep this for life and put it on when ever I'm in need of a hug.

The rest of the gift.
Bath stuff
Chocolate...this shit is so good it won't make it through the hour.
And the sweetest most personal card ever
I can't begin to describe Patty how thankful I am for you in my life. Thank you soooo much I love you!

Update, I tasted the bacon chive cream cheese she mailed me and that stuff is enough to turn me into a meat eater!


My birthday is tomorrow. Today Patty told me to keep an eye out for Fed Ex. About 20 minutes ago my mom said she saw them leaving. I hauled ass next door to my house and found a giant box on my door step. When I opened it I saw.....


I thought o cool she sent me a couple bagels.


She sent me like two dozen or more bagels.

And cream cheese. The best cream cheese I've ever had in my life. Cream cheese so good I want to hide it and not share it with Brandon even.

It even had coffee in it and I'm sitting on my hands to avoid brewing coffee at 11:20 in the afternoon.

Of course I just took a little taste of the cream cheese

Heaven! This is what heaven is.

Patty this is the best birthday present I've gotten ever!




Aren't you all so jealous right now!

How to get through a day at work...Shannon style

A quick look at my current play list in Itunes at work...in this order:

Pump up the Jam by Technotronic
This is How We Do It by Montell Jordan
Too Legit to Quit by MC Hammer
Damn It Feels Good to Be a Gangster by Geto Boys
U Can't Touch This by MC Hammer
No Diggity by Blackstreet
Tootsie Roll by 69 Boyz

And that my friends, is how you have a good time at work!


Chips and crackers...REALLY

I took Brandon to school this morning to discover a sign outside his classroom with a sign up sheet for their Halloween party on Friday. I was THRILLED because I have been dying to make something for his class for a party. However then I looked closer and discovered that the only things left to bring were fruit, juice boxes and chips and crackers. I don't want to buy juice boxes because..NOT FUN AND/OR CRAFTY. I thought about doing cute little fruit cabobs with yogurt dip in little cups (shit I shoulda done that), but for some reason I signed up for chips and crackers. How unfun is that?

So oh wise internet do you have any ideas on fun chip and cracker things (with maybe some cheese)? I was thinking of getting cute little Halloween theme muffin cups and putting stuff in those BUT WHAT? Is there something rad I can CREATE out of crackers? Dammit I know Martha Steward would have some super great way of taking crackers, olives and chives and turning it into bats and cats and ghosts oh my BUT. AM. NOT. MARTHA. STEWART!



Last week in a moment of sleepless deprivation I called my pediatrician to find out if I could take Melatonin an herbal supplement for sleeping, while nursing. The nurse said no, because herbal supplements are not regulated and there is insufficient evidence on their effects on babies. I said okay and before I hung up she told me I could take Tylenol PM. I was so confused because that has Benadryl in it which this very same nurse has told me over and over I can't take while nursing since it will dry up breast milk. She said reason one is that it is a much lower dosage then a benadryl pill and two, I would only be taking one, every few nights and not taking them every four hours for allergies.

I bought some and stared at it all weekend. Finally last night I took the recommended dose and before I knew it I was out flat on my ass. At 2am Codi woke up puking. By 5am when I had changed my sheets, and put 3 different towels on my bed due to puking I gave up, swaddled him and took him downstairs to sleep on me. I really worried that my single dose of Tylenol PM had somehow upset his stomach. We had tried some baby food and yogurt yesterday but it was so early in the day I didn't think it was that, especially because the vomit was white.


He just made a noise out of his butt that sounded like he was squirting the last drops of ketchup out of his ass. Or exactly how it sounds when you try and get that last bit of conditioner out. Then he immediately started giggling. And then I passed flat out from the stench. It smelled like dog shit, sewage, and lamb all together. (I hate lamb, nothing smells worse then lamb to me). I went in to the bathroom to change him and as I took down the diaper the poop went rolling out of the diaper into his footie jammies AND out onto the changing table. I called for my mom to come pull his arms out of his jammies so I could get them away from him because the more he wiggled the more he got covered in liquid yellow death poop.

At that moment the guy in our office loudly wondered if he had stepped in dog shit. Nope, just my kid. I cleaned him up. Grabbed the diaper, outfit and changing pad cover and ran them all outside. It has been almost 20 minutes and we can all still smell it. He still smells (I think he needs a bath in the office sink), the shop smells, everything smells and I'm now convinced he obviously didn't like the new food he tried yesterday. He is however totally thrilled with himself and still laughing 20 minutes later. I thought the massive diaper explosions stopped somewhere in the 3rd month.

I have to go now, I need to locate a gas mask.



A quick reminder

I just wanted to remind everyone while you are buying your Halloween candy to make sure you have a peanut free option in there, Hersheys, or Starburst or anything sans nuts and nutbutters!

I would have a better post for you this morning but I have been up late with an 11 month old projectile vomiting OUT OF HIS NOSE!

I also don't think I should blog while I am this angry. I had the pleasure of witnessing one of my family members doing probably the rudest thing possible this weekend and my anger is....well OBVIOUS!

Finally, my cousin Angie got married this weekend and she looked fucking hot you guys. Her husband pretty much bawled during the whole ceremony which totally made me bawl. During the reception she actually thanked me for starting the Tummy Tuck. I was pretty thankful too because I looked pretty darn great myself in my brand new stiletto heels! Anyway, she looked so good, the night was awesome and I can't wait to see all of the pictures!

Also I broke a cardinal rule this weekend. I THREW AWAY A PURSE. A hot pink clutch to be exact. I had gone and bought two pairs of shoes and a clutch to go with my hot little party dress for my birthday this weekend. Then! In a rush to get ready for the wedding this weekend I just reached in the bag and grabbed both pairs of shoes out of their boxes. I tossed in other bags and random trash from my room and set it out for my husband to take to the trash. At 6am this morning the trash guys came. At 7am this morning I realized my fucking purse was probably being compacted at that very moment.

What kind of monster throws away a purse A HOT PINK ONE AT THAT!


Visual Proof Shannon Just Doesn't Know How to Read

Hmm....I don't see anything that says MOOSE. Do you?
K, end of discussion!

Misguided Mommy editors comment: Mouse, Moose or wild Boar the fact remains SHE WAS GIVING ME HALF EATEN COOKIES!


I never knew we had moose in Reno

Via text message:

Lisa: I have some halves of cookies for you

Shannon: Okay

Lisa: They have some bites out of them

Shannon: um okay

Lisa: There are some bites taken out of them, I think a moose got ahold of them

Shannon: A moose huh?

Lisa: Yeah, they were pretty big bites, he really wanted to taste them

Shannon: For safety reasons right

Lisa: Yeah, safety reasons, that's right


Yes I still cook

In case you are wondering, yes I still cook. Come here to see. There is even two recipes gone wrong, but four new recipes gone realllly right


The one about drinking

I haven't posted about this yet because, I guess I just did not feel ready. After two and a half years I finally drank. Yes you read right I finally did it. It was my husbands 30th birthday and I had some drinks. I can't even begin to tell you how long I thought about it in the weeks leading up to his birthday. Everyday I found myself wondering what I should do. I wasn't being forced to drink, no one brought it up, but in my mind, it was an issue. Somehow I just didn't feel like I could celebrate his birthday with this huge giant massive party and then not drink. I had a sitter lined up for my kids, we were home and safe with no driving, why could I not have a drink?

I was most worried that I would hate myself the next day, and I did, but only because I had a raging hang over. I felt nothing about the alcohol itself. I was not angry, I didn't feel like I had quit or given up or given in, I felt like I had made a well thought out decision and I did it in a mature way.

Since then (August 30th) I have drank two more times. Once, at dinner with my parents and Rob, while we had a baby sitter (the night my little cousin ran away) I had a single glass of wine, and once two weeks ago when Ginger came over I had a glass of wine and 4 oz of amaretto while we played games.

So. Three drinks in 2.5 months is not bad. However I can't help but feeling like a raging alcoholic. I notice that I find myself thinking about it more too. Like last night, I was in the kitchen cooking up this big beef tenderloin and making these awesome potatoes (I will link em tonight) and I thought, well this is a totally normal time to have a drink. It is winter, I'm cooking whats wrong with a little spiked hot apple cider? I talked to a friend about it and she said it was funny I said that because her dad always tells her, that those times, in the kitchen cooking those "meals of love" type meals, is one of the hardest times for him too. So. I decided not to drink. Instead I ate my weight in left over boiled potatoes as I finished cooking. I figured I needed to put something in my mouth to preoccupy it from liquor. My husband of course had other ideas of what I coulda put in my mouth, something about having his own beef tenderloin if I wanted it.

My birthday is coming up in 7 days and again this year I have tickets to the Fantasies in Chocolate. This year, I want to drink though. The last two years I have passed up the chocolate martinis and chocolate shots and free champagne and this year, I wonder if, on my birthday a few drinks would be okay.

What I am now wondering though is, am I simply looking for excuses to drink? Or is it perfectly normal to want to have a drink on your birthday? Is having a glass of wine one night a month with family okay, or is it just looking to drink?

I want to be strong enough to become a social drinker again. I want to stop having that over my head. The constant stigma of being "that girl who doesn't drink." I want to stop being uncomfortable in situations where everyone else drinks but me. Last night, we happened to have some half and half in the fridge so my husband made a White Russian. I found myself hating him. I was angry that he could just sit down and have a drink and have it be nothing but a drink. I'm sure that it wasn't him I should have been mad at, it is my own fault I can't drink but still, I was mad.

Of course the biggest reason I don't drink is because of Codi. What kind of mom would I be if I sat around drinking all the time when I had a baby to feed? While I'm sure one or two drinks a month is acceptable I find myself wondering, IS IT REALLY ACCEPTABLE? Or am I just telling myself it is. And what happens when one or two drinks a month turns to one or two a week?

Also. One of the hardest parts about all of this is the looks you get when you drink. Some people tend to over emphasize the IT'S OKAY TO HAVE A DRINK SHANNON, and other people look at my like OMG THE ALCOHOLIC IS AT IT AGAIN.

I don't know why I want to drink on my birthday, I just do. I keep thinking, It's my party I'll drink if I want to. I guess this year I don't want to sit around and watch everyone else having fun while I'm sitting over there obviously not in on the joke and going to be 3 hours earlier because I don't have the alcohol fueling me.

So what do YOU think? Is it possible to become a normal drinker again? Am I pushing it by wanting to have some chocolate martinis? Will I be a horrible mother if I have some drinks on my birthday? Guide me oh wise Internet.


Last night my husband spent the better part of the evening looking for his camera. We looked everywhere. By the end of the night Rob was getting a little frustrated and I was wondering where on earth a camera could go in such a short time. This morning I found the camera. I think we should do some investigating.


The scene of the crime

I think, based on deductive reasoning I can make a pretty good judgment on where the camera was. You see minutes before the camera was spotted this was the scene in my house.

So boys and girls, next time you lose something, try checking your 11 month olds toys first. Seems someone had hidden it under the seat of their little fire truck. Wonder what else he has in there.


Lets talk preschool

Sigh. My son is in school. When he started he was in the 2-3 year old class. I loved his teacher. LOVE! I still love her and when it was time to transition him up to the next class I found myself wishing that teachers would transition with their class too. His new teacher is, um, cold, and always angry and always on the defensive. Since day one I have been afraid of her. I feel like when I say hi, even her reply of, "hi" is attacking and scary and MEAN. You know, those people who just look mean. Anyway. The point is, in Brandons last class he was good. So good in fact that the teachers were all stunned he had never been in school before. I went to time out maybe once a week but barely even then.

Fast forward to now when I found out the other day that my son is in time out at least TWO TIMES A DAY EVERY DAY. The most disturbing part is that I only found out because my mom picked him up and when she arrived he was in time out. My mom inquired about how often he goes to time out, to which the teacher casually mentioned he is always in time out. Obviously being his mother, she didn't feel like I needed to know this. Makes perfect fucking sense to me. The next day I inquired and in a very attacking way as if I was questioning her authority she let me know that Brandon likes to hold other kids or grab toys from them. Fine, yes that is bad, but shouldn't I have been told so I could talk to him?

After she said that, my mom, husband, dad and I all talked to Brandon and guess what THE PROBLEM STOPPED. However yesterday after he promised me he wouldn't go to time out, he went to time out twice. My husband picked him up and when we got home he told me to ask Brandon why.

Me: Brandon why did you go to time out
Brandon: Um I go to time out cuz I go potty
Me: Huh
Brandon: I just go potty so I go to time out.

I looked at my husband who replied, "that is true, they were outside playing and Brandon went inside to go potty with out asking someone."


This woman put my child in time out for fucking going pee? I can understand that kids aren't supposed to go inside alone, but I also know that in the amount of time it would have taken him to go talk to her he probably would have peed his pants. I know my kid I know that sometimes he plays until the last second and before I know it Brandon is hauling ass to the bathroom and there are times he lets a little pee out before he even sits down. I was bothered by this and went to bed thinking about it. It didn't help that my husband said he went in time out again for not listening. Not listening about what?

This morning I went in and talked to his teacher. Before I even opened my mouth she was on the defensive. I asked about the potty time out. She said all the kids know they can't come inside alone. I asked her if he had been in trouble for this before. She said no. I was kind of shocked. I was stunned she would put him in time out for a first offense. Then I said, well, you know, the way he relayed it he was put in time out for going potty. She tried to tell me that she explained to him that he was in time out for not asking to go in. Which is fine if she says that but I know that the exact words my kids said are "I go in time cuz I go potty." I told her I was slightly worried this would make him just pee his pants outside instead of asking to come in since he now related that with time out.

Next I asked about the not listening. She said him and a bunch of other kids were going down the slides backwards so they all went to time out. I was stunned. Because he played follow the leader he got punished. So I finally say, "you know I'm just confused because my kid had no problems in the other class. Is something different here, because to me this seems like excessive time outs." At this point the teacher got very agitated and went on about how her class was more structured, she start using hand gestures to punctuate her point which I find insulting and angry. Basically is sounded like no matter what these kids were all going to go to time out every day. In fact the last four times I've gone in she was putting someone in time out INCLUDING TODAY. Today a little girl screamed and she went to time out. The teacher wasn't nice either she just YELLED "_______ in time out now."

I walked out of there feeling like nothing was accomplished and feeling like by asking about my son I was probably getting him in more trouble. I read somewhere that if a preschool teacher doesn't like the parent they will take it out on the kid. While I"m always overly friendly now because of this, I get the feeling that this teacher hates my questions and in turn is overly mean to Brandon. I stopped and talked to the other teacher who is in that class part time. She assured me the main teacher likes Brandon. However she agreed that time outing him for going potty was a little odd. She also totally understood that it was bad for Brandon to think he went to time out for going potty. This teacher responded to me kindly, in a nice voice with an understanding smile.

I don't know what to do now. In his last class when I had questions or concerns I could easily talk to his teacher and she would reply nicely. She would explain things, be understanding, and never make me feel like an asshole for caring about my kid.

Before I left I stood there and watched this lady with the kids and she comes off mean to them too. She looked angry at them even. I can't decide if this lady is just angry or going through something or what? No matter what, I don't feel like she has the personality to care for kids, nor the personality to deal with children's parents.

What do I do now? I don't feel comfortable knowing my son is in time out that often. I don't feel comfortable after hearing the other teacher, the part time one say that TWO TIME OUTS WAS NOTHING the other kids go at least 5 times a day.


Am I the only one who sees this as excessive? Am I the only mom wondering if they shouldn't maybe be talking to these kids and educating them instead of just shoving them in time out? Am I the only parent who even knows this is happening? Because had my mom not walked in while he was in time out, that teacher never would have told us.

I don't know where to go from here. When I enrolled him I read the parent teacher handbook from front to back. One of the things in there talked about teachers communicating with parents when there was a problem, and parents working on it at home. How in the fuck am I supposed to work on my sons school problems if no one is communicating and when they do communicate I feel attacked and like I need to go sit in time out.

What do I do?



Me: Brandon we are going to go take a bath

Papa: Make sure not to fart in the tub Brandon

Brandon: We don't fart in the tub PAAA PAAAAA you only fart on the toilet......and in pants!



So I promised I would show you some of my recent house finds.

This is my fake plant. I hate fake plants. I find them weird. However when we went to get my couch the guy selling it handed me this plant. Not knowing what to do I took it. Later I stuck it in my living room to balance a wall until I knew what else to do. However after about an hour I decided I LOVED THIS PLANT! I can't even begin to describe how perfect this plant looks! Plus it was free and I CAN'T KILL IT!

My mom found this little table at a garage sale (I think). It used to live next door to our work but Brandon loved it so much my mom let it move in with us. It hangs out in the living room now next to our couch giving Brandon a little area to play, color, and watch TV.

My mom got this little table for the boys at Christmas. She found it at an antique store and it is the absolute perfect size for Brandon. I put it in the dining room as a "kids table." The truth is, my kids sit at the table with me but it was so cute I didn't want to get rid of it after the red table moved in on its spot.

I got my fork and spoon from one of the other houses on the land where I live. They were all family owned and only the original owners lived in them. When the last of the original owners moved out she left us quite a mess. I scored these a few years ago knowing someday I would have a dining room for them. I have a nice place for them now and I love them. Below that is my new table runner I scored at TJ Maxx on clearance for $7.00.

They sell this sign at a little boutique here for $59.99 I found it at TJ Maxx for $12.99 last year.

This is my little bowl from World Market. I paid $9.99 for it which seems pricey but it is bamboo. I used it to replace the nasty old bowl I had my rocks in. Isn't it pretty.

This lamp I got for free! I mentioned to my mom that I wanted a lamp so she walked next door and grabbed the one off her desk that just happened to match the other one I had PERFECTLY! I also got the table for free. It was left here by the old owners. I love this stupid table.

I got this little stool thing from couch guy also. ALSO FOR FREE! (along with the coffee table in Rob's room). I stuck this in the laundry/mud room for Rob to put his shoes on when he gets ready in the morning.

I took photos of Rob's room all done too. I'll post those up in the morning. His room is pretty fucking rad if I do say so myself. Every man needs their own room!

Makes you wonder

Did I ever tell you that once upon a time my husband was a post man? Well he was. Back in the day he was a post man. Funny shorts and hat included. He told me once that when he was delivering mail he used to stop at his girlfriends house for "lunch." You know, lunch in bed. Ever since he told me that I've looked at my postmen differently. The guy at my old house always had a little spring in his step and I couldn't help but wonder, is that because he just came from his lovers house, or is it because he's about to stop and have "lunch" somewhere near by.

Now my husband works somewhere that has drivers and he tells me how some of his guys go home and take naps during their routes. I was totally stunned. That never occurred to me. So now of course I look at all my employees and wonder if they are secretly napping somewhere.

That reminds me of the time I pulled into one of my local favorite eateries to find one of my guys parked in back NAPPING in his truck.

Do you guys have any secret things you do at work? Like the girl in my office who ALWAYS uses our stamps to mail her bills. Or the person at my husbands work who uses the laminating machine for non work related things.

What kinds of sneaky things do you do at work? Nap, have "lunch," borrow office supplies?

And also, have any of you had "lunch" at the work place, like on premises? I have once but not at my own work place, at my boyfriends work place. And it was fucking cold!


Building a home office

I finally have a desk! That means I can finally ORGANIZE a desk. I have picked up a few new things that I just love. The first are these oversized clothespins. I found them for $8.99. Pottery Barn sells something similar for almost $30.00. I love them. I put bills to pay in them and things to do. I got a green and a white one.
About a month ago Dooce featured these files on her style page. The moment I saw them I fell in love. I knew I would be getting an office soon so I went online and started researching files. I found so many awesome ones, but something kept drawing me back to the pink and green. Before I knew what was happening I was clicking order and a few days later they were on my doorstep!
I purchased these boxes in blue, white and green. They retail for $21.00 on See Jane Work but while I was roaming through TJ Maxx I spotted them clearanced for $7.00 and $7.99. I snapped those bad boys right up and I now keep them on the shelf behind my desk. One holds all of Brandons school papers and art work. One holds everything of Codis and one holds all of Rob and I's romanitcal things.
I have picked up various other things, like a desk top box for documents or the cutest little napkin box that I now use as Rob's "in" box. Meaning stop throwing away your fucking receipts and put them on my desk!

I have a small wishlist. This desk top tray, which price wise is totally unreasonable and unless TJ Maxx somehow gets it in I will never own. But still ISN'T IT RAD!

This adorable little desktop calendar! It has a different page for every month and is eco friendly.

And for my birthday Rob is buying me this. I love the movie Office Space, and if you haven't seen it, the red Swingline makes no sense but, I sort of feel like the red Swingline is to the office what a Kitchenaid is to the kitchen.
I have other little things I want of course but I can't find them all online. I've done great shopping at Ross and TJ Maxx though. I'm finding amazing deals. I purchased the most awesome bamboo bowl to hold the rocks that Rob brings me and I got some perfect wooden utensils that hang on the wall. They were FREE as they came out of one of these old houses when we were cleaning them. I took pictures of some of the great items I have acquired for free or very little money and as soon as I upload the other 100 pictures on my camera I will post them. I think some of it is pretty neat!

Theme song