
In which Ginger wins award for best present ever in the history of ever!

Last year Ginger casually mentioned this thing she was thinking of doing for my birthday. I almost married her right then and there. This year Ginger casually questioned if I would be up for this present again this year as I would be 14 days away from having a baby I BEGAN FLYING THROUGH THE AIR DOING CARTWHEELS WITH EXCITEMENT!

Why you ask?

Well you see two years in a row now Ginger has gotten her and I tickets to FANTASIES IN CHOCOLATE!

Whats that you say, you don't know what Fantasies in Chocolate is?

Well just imagine this, a night of the best possible sex you could ever have, only it isn't sex it is chocolate


Heres the deal. Every year they rent out one of our convention centers here and ALL of the casinos, schools, pastry shops, and chocolatiers get together and give out chocolate. Even the local dairy gets in on it handing out chocolate milk and chocolate ice cream. This isn't just one sample here or there either. It is unlimited endless supplies of chocolate, pastries and candies. UNLIMITED PEOPLE! Then if that isn't enough they supply wine, champagne, and other tasty mixed drinks. They also have a pasta bar, a cheese and cracker stand, sushi and so on, so you don't get all chocolated out! To give you an idea of what I mean by chocolate, picture all those fancy things they serve on the food network chocolate competitions and that is what I will be spending my entire Friday night eating! Last year we even figured out we can put a bag in our purse and take home more candy for our family! So basically I will be spending my night with the likes of this...

Now can any of you tell me of a better birthday present ever!!!!!!!!!!! Not to mention being able to enjoy this while 8 months pregnant. Codi is going to have the best night ever!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Okay, next year you have to give me a heads up I will fly out there to participate in the Chocolate convention...OMG! I am drooling as I am typing here!!!

Ginger said...

Yeah, this was one of my better ideas!

Cristina Mathers said...

J E A L O U S!

Jen said...

Ahhh I am soo jealous! OMG!

Why don't they have that HERE? In Portland?! UGH.

Going. To. Pout. Now.

Rachel said...

YUMMY!! With the 2000 calories of chocolate I ate last night-yeah-you heard me-now send me some good chocolate.

Christy said...

Drooling! I LOVE chocolate. Actually, I LOVE anything sugary. Actaully, I LOVE all food.

Kim J. said...

oh my gosh!! that sounds amazingly delicible! i am packing my bags and catching a flight! Ok, not really, all I can say is LUCKY!!

Sara said...

I am more than jealous. And...Happy Birthday!

Rebecca is Fabulous said...

oh. my word. i think i just had an orgasm.

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