
Trick or treat...most parents deserve to get their cars egged!

Brandon was either a monster, a dragon or a dinosaur, we really still aren't sure!
Walking up to trick or treat GG (great grandma) This also counts as your belly shot for the week. I told everyone I dressed as a pumpkin!

Going to ring the doorbell

Running around like a mad man

He quickly learned that saying trit or treat got him candy.

Thank you GG

This is the famous bunny golf cart. Some of you received an email talking about this. Yes my mom is a burner (aka someone who goes to burning man) and she converted her golf cart into a permanent bunny rabbit. Wait it gets better.

He lights up! My dad drove Brandon and I all over the neighborhood to trick or treat. People were soooo jealous they didn't have a giant bunny on wheels to trick or treat in!

Checking out all his loot.

Not much left after we pulled out everything with peanut products.

THAT IS THE REASON PARENTS SHOULD HAVE THEIR FUCKING HOUSES EGGED! You would think will all of the news going around about NO PEANUT PRODUCTS IN SCHOOL people would be smart enough not to hand out baskets full of nothing but peanut products. I had to take away at least 20 things out of his basket because it would have killed him if he ate it. Do you know how sad it was sitting there taking away my sons candy. I just can't believe that more emphasis hasn't been placed on NOT PUTTING DEADLY CANDY IN KIDS BASKETS!!!!!!! I swear each time someone dropped a Reeses or a Snickers in his basket I wanted to egg them right in the face! And he was to little to know any better so when he reached in to grab he didn't know he shouldn't grab a Baby Ruth, he just picked something! Soooo frustrating, because I can't even eat the stuff I had to take from him since I refuse to possibly be my sons kiss of death. Next year, Reno parents, try thinking a little and not loading your basket with Peanut M&Ms, Snickers, Baby Ruth and Reeses. It is totally useless to my child! If not you might end up with eggs in your face from one very angry mom!


Anonymous said...

I'm jealous of the bunny golf cart that glows in the dark.

Someone Being Me said...

I'm totally jealous of the golf cart. As for the Halloween candy, I feel awful. I never thought about peanut allergies when I bought my candy. I just buy what I would want to eat which involved lots of chocolate and peanut butter. I'll think about that next year. More suckers, laffy taffy and such. My mom just buys tons of cheap cute toys like plastic snakes and such to hand out.

Anonymous said...

That golf cart is awesome! I would totally buy one of those. And I would have been one of those houses you egged since I had snickers and reeses. In my defense, I'm dumb and didn't think about it. I just buy what I like that way when there's stuff left, it's mine. I kept all the snickers though. So maybe half an egg?

Shawna said...

The golf cart LIGHTS up. OMG this just gets better and better. Brandon looks so cute in his dinasaur costume. That sucks about the peanuts. I would probably freak out and want to throw eggs too.

Jen said...

Dang I didn't even think of that. I WOULD HAVE given out Snickers and Butterfingers if any kids had actually COME TO MY HOUSE! Oh well- I guess it is for the best that Coleton (and I) will have to eat it all.

crankymommy said...

Wow, I also never thought about peanut allergies. I usually buy what we'll eat if there's any leftovers... I'll be more conscientious in the future, though, promise.

Eva said...

Well, now I'm embarrassed because I bought snickers (along with other things) this year. But very good point. You should do a public service announcement.

And wow, did he look adorable!

Anonymous said...

I love the golf cart!

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