
And you think you want to be a mom?

Here are a few things I think everyone should know who has a kid or is considering having one.

Buy all socks in one style and all matching. This will make you life so much easier when you are rushing around in the morning and your kid is completely dress and the only thing holding you back is finding a pair of fucking socks that match.

Once you get socks you should hang a mesh bag on the wall near your kids clothes hamper and put all socks in this bag to assure yourself that the washing machine sock eating monster will not eat your socks.

When you find something your child likes i.e. coveted leak proof sippy cup with a straw in it, run out and but 43 of them. This will come in handy so when your kid is screaming at the top of his lungs for his damn cup and all you can find at every single store is cups that he takes one look at and chucks at your head.

Get an economy size bottle of Valium. Boys will freak you the fuck out. Forget child proofing they will outsmart it. Forget putting foam on corners they will hit hard enough to make the foam obsolete. They will jump off of everything, run into everything and also head butt you right in the head, teeth, mouth, temple and so on, just because their FATHERS taught them how to. If you think it looks scary it will make them laugh.

Leave the child safety locks at the store. They will figure out how to open the doors to all cabinets. This includes opening your bathroom cabinet and finding your tampons and running around the house unwrapping them and leaving tampon parts for your guests to find.

Do not put your very expensive ceramic Le Creuset pots in lower cabinets. They will climb in said cabinets and throw those pots out first because they are shiny and made of pretty colors.

String cheese does actually melt and CAN be smashed into your couch cushions.

Get some sort of hard wood or laminate. Babies leak. Sippy cups leak. Baby spoons leak. Everything about babies leaks on floors and it all stains. It is all invisible at first until it dries into a big black! spot.


Anonymous said...

I haven't laughed that hard in a LONG time!!! Thanks for sharing... and I'll be back often to read :)

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness - that was too funny. I will totally have to remember to make sure every pair of socks that I buy are exactly the same!

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