
Possibly pigtails

For as long as I can remember I have wanted to have these dorky short pigtails. Now I have them...and as I expected they make me feel extra dorky, in a good way!

Also seriously who gave me photobooth. I swear I will stop taking pictures of myself and posting them here!


Sarah Lynn said...

For some reason I've always wanted those too. They look cute!

Lindz said...

I like them! In fact if I had the balls to sport your haircut, I'd have pig tails all of the time. You're cute.

uumomma said...

yes shannon..you are a dork...but you are also really damn cute. ;>)

Anonymous said...


Just Jiff said...

You are too cute!

Kim said...

I love, love, love your pigtails......I tried that once when my hair was a little shorter and Husband thought I was nuts......

Mrs. F said...

Dork! Cute. I like. I bet you will get carded for a lottery ticket with those piggies...

Anonymous said...

I LOVE em! You're adorable:) And you look 12!?

Anonymous said...

Your are such a dork you alway make me laugh

Stefanie said...

So cute and fun!

Lainey-Paney said...

get back to work!

Valley Girl said...

You and your pigtails look adorable!

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