
Doing it different this time

My kids have some very cute clothes. However if you look at pictures of Brandon you would never know. Know why? I was always "saving" clothes for special occasions. I would say oh I don't want him to wear this, we are just going to work and no one will see it. I'll save it till we go to dinner or go see family. The next thing I knew he grew out of it and the cute stuff was never worn. This time around I found myself doing the same thing. Then one day I realized I was putting away super cute newborn stuff that again wasn't worn. So this time Codi is wearing everything every day. Even if no one sees him in the clothes I can take a picture and send it out to family so they can see how cute my kids dress. So to my friends with new babies, don't do the same thing as me. You might not be lucky enough to have a baby of the same sex the second time around to use it all.


Someone Being Me said...

I did the same thing with Bear's clothes. I have some things hanging in his closet he never wore before he outgrew them. I won't make that mistake the second time around.

MamaChing said...

I tried really hard to leave the house as often as I could with Tyler since it was summer so he got a lot of stuff worn. But when packing up his stuff I realized that people weren't very smart when it came to buying for him! I had 3 months winter stuff he couldn't wear cause it was summer and 6 months summer stuff that he couldn't wear cause it was the dead of winter. Did you have this problem with your 1st?

Heidi said...

As my great grandmother would say, "Girls if you don't use it, his next wife will." So use it, ruin it, burn it. Whatever. Just enjoy it while you can. LOL

Mrs. J said...

nice tip!

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